Dream Room Revolution tinkerbell

You self-proclaimed sweet souled Siren
Sucking the vibrant life all out of me
But I'm the king of Ithaca
Your petrified powers won't ever be
And I believed this mask was you
But you changed as if Bacchus took control
Constantly crossing borderlines
With or without the use of alcohol
Both you and Lucifer share the same hell
The story of how an Archangel fell
You entered my life as sweet Tinkerbell
But left it immoral like Jezebel
Hey Captain dressed as Wendy
Unable to fly without Peter Pan
You don't see your limitations
Because you make believe like no one can
Both you and Lucifer share the same hell
The story of how an Archangel fell
You entered my life as sweet Tinkerbell
But left it immoral like Jezebel
The wild dogs are awaiting you
While you feel above all
The wild dogs are awaiting you
Ready to catch your fall