Driver Friendly let the sun come up

Light bleeds in through the curtains and the window pane,
The door is nearly closed and nothing has changed
But up the stairs where the bed remains
The place where thoughts keep me awake
The sound of uncertainty it's nearly
Sunrise and everythings changed, everythings changed!
Oh, let the sun come up
Take it all in, Im not afraid!
Oh, let the sun come up, let the sun come up!
Take, take, take all of me
Dont let it fade away!
Take it all in carefully!
In the moment, distance plays it games
And when it's over, only time can keep you safe.
And it comes rushing out without any hesitation
Certain memories from far off destinations, far off destinations
It's nearly sunrise and some things never change.
Oh, let the sun come up
Take it all in, Im not afraid!
Oh, let the sun come up, let the sun come up!
Take, take, take all of me
Dont let it fade away!
Take it all in carefully!
Take, take, take all of me
Dont let it fade away!
Take it all in carefully!