Dune are you ready to fly

Are you ready to fly?
Can you leave the world behind?
baby baby
Are you ready to fly?
Together we reach for the sky
Are you ready to fly?
(crazy bass bro)
Are you ready to fly?
Can you leave the world behind?
Baby Baby
Are you ready to fly?
Together we reach for the sky
Are you ready to fly?
Can you leave the world behind?
Baby Baby
Are you ready to fly?
Together we reach for the sky
Are you ready to fly?
Are you ready to fly?
Can you leave the world behind?
baby baby
Are you ready to fly?
Together we reach for the sky
Are you ready to fly?
Are you ready to fly?
Can you leave the world behind?
baby baby
Are you ready to fly?
Together we reach for the sky
Are you ready to fly?
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