Eddie Kendricks i ll be your servant

A Servant in Your Heavenly House
I'd rather be a servant in Your heavenly house
than to be a king living anywhere else.
I'd rather spend one day in Your heavenly house
than a thousand days living anywhere else.
Now I offer myself to You.
All to You I freely offer,
all to You I freely give.
I'll forever love and trust You,
in Your presence freely give.
I'd rather be a servant in Your heavenly house
than to be a king living anywhere else.
I'd rather live one day in Your heavenly house
than a thousand days living anywhere else.
Now I offer myself to You, to You.
O Lord, I offer all back to You
as thanks for all You give me Lord,
I offer all back to You
in thanks for all You give me.
For all You give, I lift my life to You.
I'd rather be a servant in Your heavenly house
than to be a king living anywhere else.
I'd rather spend one day in Your heavenly house
than a thousand days living anywhere else.
Lord, I offer all back to You
as thanks for all You give me.
Lord, I offer all back to You
in thanks for all You give me,
for all You give, I lift my life to You.
I'd rather be a servant in Your heavenly house
than to be a king living anywhere else.
I'd rather live one day in Your heavenly house
than a thousand days living anywhere else.
Now I offer myself to You.
Now I offer myself, Lord I offer myself to You.