Eddy Arnold mama come get your baby boy

Once I was a happy boy free as I could be
I up and left my home to see what I could see
I met up with a little gal and she turned loose on me
Mama come get your baby boy
Mama, mama, mama come get your baby boy
If I don’t get back home to roost
You know this gal’s done cooked my goose
Mama come get your baby boy
I always thought I’d like to try to take a little fling
Now I’m scared half to death to think what it might bring
She’ll string me like a puppet she’ll play me like a toy
Mama come get your baby boy
Mama, mama, mama come get your baby boy
If I don’t get back home to roost
You know this gal’s done cooked my goose
Mama come get your baby boy
If I ever get back home I promise this to you
I'ill stay away from women I know what they will do
They will treat you very nice then leave very blue
Mama come get your baby boy
Mama, mama, mama come get your baby boy
If I don’t get back home to roost
You know this gal’s done cooked my goose
Mama come get your baby boy