El Caro to the myriad

to the myriad who stand against us arm in arm, and to the masses, we will wipe the slate clean before your eyes, we're not bound to your laws, we took off the old guise, to the hate monger, you won't get your way, you won't turn the tides, to the rebels, don't be afraid, we'll see you soon on the other side,
they sold their life blood and the repercussions have been realized, disrobed to their laws and bound by their ties, they made us an offer, a contract not to be ignored, but when we declined, their offer became a ruling command,
We're begging for another option, but the offer left the table with our fighting chance, with our fighting chance, it went out the window, when they found we had a second stance,
We'll fight, for the rebels, on the other side, those who went before us and died, we'll wipe the slate clean,
we will bind you, no one will find you, we'll offer you hope and then we'll take it away,
say you won't come back, it's the only way to be free, without a bullet in your head, that's our final offer.