Elisabeth Soundtrack die frliche apokalypse

Elisabeth Soundtrack
The Happy Apocalypse
PROFESSOR: What's in the features section?
JOURNALIST: How does the broth taste today?
STUDENT: Is anyone playing with me Skat?
BOHEMIAN: My God, I'm tired again!
POET: Our young empress cries all day
She hasn't eaten since she lost her child
BOHEMIAN: Another melange!
LUCHENI: Another melange!
PROFESSOR: She's probably pregnant too!
JOURNALIST: She doesn't show her stomach anymore.
LUCHENI & POET: We've been without the heir to the throne for too long.
JOURNALIST: She was recently a guest at the Renz Circus
PROFESSOR: The Emperor's mother didn't like it at all.
ALL: No, and if so -
we'll sit around in the coffee house
and yawn as we await the apocalypse.
LUCHENI: Chatterbox! Knowing everything and nothing.
Squatting there per ingannare il tempo.
Killing time. Day in and day out.
POET: Another year over!
BOHEMIAN: That doesn't matter to me !
PROFESSOR: We have a concordat!
STUDENT: Who is playing skat with me today?
JOURNALIST: Our young emperor doesn't show much skill,
at least not in politics.< br/>BOHEMIAN: Another liqueur!
PROFESSOR: The last war over Crimea neutralized us.
JOURNALIST: And now Austria is completely politically isolated.
PROFESSOR: France , England, Russia are on the same front
And now there's war with Piedmont
ALL: No, and if so -
we're sitting around in the coffee house
and waiting for it reminiscent of the apocalypse.
STUDENT: This time it was a son, who would have believed it?
POET: And he was also stolen from his mother
JOURNALIST: I learned that she likes the Hungarians!
PROFESSOR: Does she think liberally?
BOHEMIAN: Is she radical?
ALL: She's a strange woman!
No, what if?
good for the apocalypse
LUCHENI: When Rudolf was born
the mother had a terrible vision in the postpartum period.
She saw red flags, masses of people
at Ballhausplatz with fists threatening them.
She saw the barricade and on it her own son
as the leader of the revolution!
POET: Wonderfully eccentric!
BOHEMIAN: Beautifully decadent!
STUDENT & PROFESSOR: Austria needs a parliament now!
ALL: No, and if so -
we'll sit around in the coffee house
and yawn as we await the apocalypse.
No, and if so -
we're sitting around in the coffee house
and yawning as we await the apocalypse.
CUSTOMERS (first group): Because it's boring for us, it's no shame...
/>CUSTOMERS (second group, in counterpoint): Bulls, sniffing, chatting, chatting
smoking, pofeling, grumbling, hesitating
reading, dozing, with coffee!
CUSTOMERS (third group , in counterpoint): We want it to be boring, it's desolate...
because it's not a shame, because what's done
and is ready to happen anyway!