Elisabeth Soundtrack elisabeth mach auf mein engel

Elisabeth Soundtrack
Elisabeth Open my angel
FRANZ-JOSEPH: Elisabeth?
Open my angel
I, your husband
look after me you
Let me be with you.
A day full of problems lies behind me
France is beginning to openly threaten me
Scandals that never end
National bankruptcy, war and revolution
A wave of suicide
new cases of typhus
Help me fall asleep
like a ship in a safe harbor
guarded by your tenderness
and without wish for one night
Now open to me
Don't keep me waiting
You the woman
who understands me
SISI: Why don't you go to your mother?
You always liked her better -
SISI: Spare me!
FRANZ -JOSEPH: What have I done?
SISI: You allow Rudolf to be tortured.
FRANZ-JOSEPH: Rudolf? Tortured?
SISI: I found out everything
Your mother gave him
to her torturer
FRANZ-JOSEPH: She has him raised
SISI: He can't defend himself
But I won't watch it
any longer
Either she or me!
I have issued a formal ultimatum. If you don't want to lose me, do it. I want to decide how my children are raised myself. And from now on I want to decide what I do and don't do. Read my letter and decide: for your mother or me. And now leave me alone.
DEATH: Elisabeth
Don't despair
Rest in my arms.
I want to comfort you.
Fly, and you will be free
and all the fighting will be over.
I will take you away from space and time
into a better reality
Elisabeth !
I love you...
SISI: No! I want to live
I'm too young to give up
I know I can free myself
Now I'll use my beauty
I don't want you!
I don't need you!