Elisabeth Soundtrack ljen erzsbet

Elisabeth Soundtrack
Ãljen Erzsébet
HUNGARIAN GIRL: The church door opens!
HUNGARIAN BOY: The mass is over!
HUNGARIAN BOY: Hungary's misery is over â
Ãljen, Ãljen, Erzsébet!
MEN: She defeated the resistance â
Éljen. Ãljen, Erzsébet!
CROWD: Hungary's misery is over - gone with everything that separated us:
Ãljen, Ãljen, Erzsébet!
LUCHENI: Hungary, Elisabeth has freed you!
She pulled your card out of the world's house of cards.
The new time belongs to nationalism.
It will ensure that the empire collapses ¤ll!
CROWD: She will heal Hungary's wounds...
LUCHENI: Anarchy and national chaos!
CROWD: ... Éljen, Ãljen, Erzsébet!
LUCHENI: Austria is falling apart!
CROWD: Hungary's rise, Habsburg's end...
LUCHENI: The end of the old world!
CROWD: ... Ã ljen, Éljen, Erzsébet!
MEN: Elisabeth! Elizabeth! Elizabeth! Elisabeth!
WOMEN: Elisabeth! Elisabeth!
LUCHENI: Elisabeth!