Elizium temple of war

You , you don’t know me
You do not know that I exist
But you want me to die for you
And feast upon my rotting flesh
You use me as sustenance
To feed a never ending battle
My bones are the foundations
On which to raise your temple of war
I am carrion
For the mouth of war
I am carrion
For vultures in disguise
Yet you do not care
White pillars standing tall
Gleaming in the sun
This is the temple
Of red , white and blue
Lay me down upon the altar
And sacrifice me
For red , white and blue
My demise doesn’t stop you
To take advantage of me
I did not know what I signed up for
This contract extends after my death
Your banner blinded me
Fighting for the good cause
And now that I’m lying here
A sacrifice in your temple of war