Els Pets una fiblada a la pell

Els Pets
A Fiblada A La Pell
He sits on the bed and combs his hair,
She takes advantage and smokes a cigarette watching in case he comes.
One brief moment,
a falling blow,
while she feels
a tingling in her skin.
He hangs too much and she thinks he understands,
she 'hide if he arrives reeking of brandy.
A brief moment,
a falling blow,
while she feels
a tingle on her skin.
And he arrives finally the next day
and he is so normal again
that it all seems faint and distant.
And he is so tender when he wants
and she is let love
and he is so handsome and so strong that it scares.
He sleeps peacefully when she closes the portal
a suitcase and in his hand the address of a hospital< br/>when he gets on the train he suddenly feels
inside his belly
a tingling in his skin.