Emerald Park go!go!go!

Come on help me start a fire
Let your friends know there's a feast
Bring the burden on you back,
strokes and heart-attacks
Bring them all to me
Bring your life-style magazines
Bring your Levis jeans
Bring your Iphones and your suits
Bring your BMW
Bring them all to me
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire just for you
Come on help me start a fire
Let your friends know there's a feast
Bring the churches and the mosques
Bring the leaders of the world
Bring them all to me
Bring your well-ness magazines
Bring Al Qaida, CIA, Miley Cyrus, Timerlake
Bring the racists and the thieves
Bring them all to me
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire just for you
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire just for you
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire just for you
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire just for you
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire just for you
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire just for you
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire just for you
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire just for you
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire just for you
As the world is getting darker
I will start a little fire just for you