Emily Davis wavering stride

You have this vision of untouchable tradition
Where things are as they are through impeccable design
Where grand institutions are more than just illusions
You've idealized, believing that they reflect the divine
I'm gonna let you down again
I'm gonna lengthen this divide
I'm gonna let you down again
Not in malice, in my wavering stride
I can't change your mind
And you will not change mine
You've built your life around this dream of new Eden
Your roots reside with the lamb and the lion
But my own roots were torn out
Now the black sheep wanders about
Farther from pasture, pained, yet still defiant
I'm gonna let you down again
I'm gonna lengthen this divide
I'm gonna let you down again
Not in malice, in my wavering stride
I can't change your mind
And you will not change mine