Emmarie falling

I was ok about a week ago
standing in line for my vanilla frappuccino
Then you came and stumbled into me
Your smooth coffee house pick up strategy
Making false amends
the sweet game of pretend
you snuck your order in
a jump to the front so it begins
I have to say it was quite the play
Not to mention you got my attention
The way to my heart is the size of the eye of the needle
but somehow you wove your way through
Cute guy
Quirky line
Hot tee
Torn jeans
Stumbled into my life
How could I not fall for you too?
Barista calls my name
A drink that could go unclaimed
We said our goodbyes
As you went to sit with your guys
Drank my drink really slow
So I could see your reflection in the window
Wondering if our story will unfold
Or will it become a memory that's retold
I have to say it was quite the play
Not to mention you got my attention
The way to my heart is the size of the eye of the needle
but somehow you wove your way through
Cute guy
Quirky line
Hot tee
Torn jeans
Stumbled into my life
How could I not fall for you too?
I really don't think you need 5 sugars for your tea
Or maybe that was so you could walk past me
That when you slipped me a scrap piece of paper saying
Hey beautiful, text me later
The way to my heart is the size of the eye of the needle
but somehow you wove your way through
Cute guy
Quirky line
Hot tee
Torn jeans
Stumbled into my life
How could I not fall for you too?