En Otros Tiempos gripo montez de durango

In Other Times
From Durango to Chicago
Gripo Montez from Durango
Why are you fussing if I am married by good law
I can love you from time to time, no more demand all the love
In other times it was different, I came across my slip with you
But save, I already have my pending, because there is no way to walk with two
It's your fault, you left me, well I gave you the opportunity
When I loved you you abandoned me, save that you want to be the guide
In this life everything is paid and not a single debt can escape
While the world is rolling away
All debts have to be settled
Don't keep fussing that I am married by good law
Save seeing you from time to time because I already have a new love
In other times it was different for me I found my slip with you
But save, I already have my pending because there is no way to walk with two