Ende camerula

In fire, laughter blends with the acrid smoke
The witch is lacerated
Devil sleeps inside, in her entrails
Where the people gave their souls, angels devour their salvation
The walls are black, built with hatred and fear of knowledge
Hysterical faith to lapse and slavery
Your scoundrel is named Camerula
Immured in filth, without darkness or light
Ground is made of mud, her forgotten room
Far off, the Camerula of banished and embraced soul
Condemned to oblivion
Alone, in a destructive and eternal hate to mankind
The wall of her tomb sweat an overwhelmed death
Spitting a contaminated air by humidity and droppings
Unholy scars mark her face for eternity
Granting and blessing her return after death
To pour her vengeance and salvation
All proud faith will be sentenced to burn
Unholy scars mark her face for eternity
Granting and blessing her return after death
To pour her vengeance and salvation
All proud faith will be sentenced to burn, eternally
A blackened hate for mankind which shall burn
All over their shelters, all of them will be grinded
Far away of God, pain and suffering are coming back, forever
Offering to the witch her vengeance eternal
A blackened hate for mankind which shall burn
All over their shelters, all of them will be grinded
Far away of God, pain and suffering are coming back, forever
Offering to the witch her vengeance eternal
A blackened hate for mankind which shall burn
All over their shelters, all of them will be grinded
Far away of God, pain and suffering are coming back, forever
Offering to the witch her vengeance eternal