Ending Tyranny purely infected rebirth

This time it won't end up so peacefully,
With the launch codes entered, the clock ticks down.
Both parties have given the executive order
To eradicate one another.
The day of reckoning is upon us now,
Nothing will stop the inevitable outcome.
As the bombs hits, the flash is mesmerizing.
We stand and watch as the wave
Incinerates everything in its path.
Nothing survives,
The enormous dust cloud will block out our sun
And freeze everything beneath it.
Nuclear winter is upon us now.
What will become of this planet?
Now that it's been ridden of the human parasite.
Centuries shall pass and mother nature
Has had the chance to be reborn.
Insects will find their place at the top of the food chain
Once again, the cycle of life commences.
A long evolutionary road awaits.
From critter to crustacean, every arduous step must be made
Hopefully the outcome will differ
From the one we currently know of.
A doubtful scenario.
Greed will find its place eventually.
Corrupting everything in its path.
It ceases for nothing.
A planetary collision would be ideal,
Slamming this horrid place into fragments,
Wiping all indicators that this planet ever existed
No hope for humanity.