Endwell revenge is a healthy motive

have all of the choices I have made
buried all, if any chances at grace?
how I yearn for the glory days
what could have been and what well never see
Im walking the path of the damned for a taste of fufillment
I think im better off somplace far removed from all of this
Mistakes were made still haunting me
was it his dismay..that made you choose to up and leave
giving up on all your hopes and dreams
well those mistakes they taught me all I need to know about giving up
and letting go of friends
Now i can only wish the best for you
and hope you find a reason to pursue
all the passions that carried you, through those years
through the fear of letting go and the pains of every show
those sleepless nights of driving through the snow
knowing that together we made this home.
If this is the end then so be it
Abandon van and walk away from all you know
running in circles im bound by confusion, never will i understand this
forever youll be swallowed by guilt , burdened by what could have been