Enshadowed black holes death planets

Undisputed, endless, abominable powers
Glorious emperors of the deepest black kingdoms
Consisted of chaos, creative powers of anti-matter
Sealers of fates, times and spaces
Black Holes, Death Planets
Without beginning, no meaning, no reason for life
No feeling of death, it is loss and birth at once
Devour of stars give birth to color black
Spit out your life - your soul human
Conceited king of silly pride and micro cosmos
A grain of dust in my boundless kingdoms
Behold! Before your eyes my inrivaled strength of deconstruction
Finally! Your time has come, you'll turn to ashes
You've crossed my path, my undisturbed journey
Solar power is drowned in blackness
Life extinction is at your door
No remains left to testify
You've ever lived within my world
No memories, no feeling
Elements recycled within the black hole