Eowyn more than yesterday

You whispered from your cell, the things you said you'd never*
tell a soul as long as breath escaped from your lips. This sentence has
been placed by you, you can't erase the years of doubt you tried to
hide behind your secret lies (you're safe). Your silence scrams your
pain, a deafened heart remains, a tragedy to say the least but justice
will reside. You've tried to plead your case, establishing a trace of
sanity, immunity, a vital alibi
Cuase here in this place you will see extraordinary things, more
than yesterday. When you seek you will find, when you knock
the doors will open wide, more than yesterday.
No one can prove you wrong, a skeptic you've become. You live,
you die, you bruise again, but healing can be reached. Another bled
and died the suffering subsides. Displaying love eternally, eternally
You'll feel a stirring deep within
the moment you draw near. A love so profound,
you'll never look back again. You'll feel his love