Epolets fakebook

Hey, hey wake up
Don't wanna be your cartoon
I wanna stay
Stay out, stay out this clouns fool
Your mind is grey
And all of you Look at me thought your screen
Your pictures on
Soon will be reality
Will be reality
In faritail
Fari reality
In Farytail
Fake book reality
I wanna wake up soon
Even on the moon
Just let me out
Don't wanna be a prisoner
You can not speak
You can not feel
You can not breath
And that's not fun
And that's my reason…
I wanna wake up soon
Even on the moon
Please let me out
Don't wanna be a prisoner
You can not speak
You can not feel
You can not breath
And that's not fun
And that's my reason to go
You in rage
When you are off
You afraid for this moment come
You have a lot of
Unknown friends
Anyway you are alone