Esther ?Eti? Horesh with pure water

Be'mayim zakim hu rochetz et raglei (u003d with pure water He washes my feet)
Adonai, Elohai, Riboni (u003d my Lord, my God, my Master)
Be'ruach kodsho me' male et ruchi (u003d with His Holy Spirit He fills my spirit)
Adonai, Elohai, Osi (u003d my Lord, my God, my Maker)
Damo hayakar hu shafach (u003d from His lonely and awesome cross)
al nafshi mitzlavo haboded ve'hanora (u003d He poured out His precious blood on my soul)
Mayim chayim hu noten li lishtot (u003d He gives me living water to drink)
Adonai, El Chai, Yeshua (u003d Lord, Living God, Savior)