Etheridge Melissa alive

Etheridge Melissa
Sometimes the shortest distance is the longest road.
Sometimes the highest price that's paid is that which is not owed.
Sometimes the stongest soldier is the one who yeilds his sword.
Sometimes the sweet surrender comes from a single word.
I am alive I have survived and I'm holding on.
I am alive and I'm moving on.
I'm moving on.
I'm moving on.
Sometimes the brightest hope comes from the darkest night.
Sometimes the broken dream can set your wings to flight. Sometimes you take a trip through hell to see heaven above and shake hands with the devil to find an angels love.
I am alive I have survived and I'm holding on.
I am alive and I'm moving on.
I'm moving on.
I am alive.
Sometimes the sweetest answer is just beneath your skin and all the world is waiting for you to let it in.
I am alive.
Oh I have survived and I'm holding on. I am alive. I have survived and I'm holding on. I am alive and I'm moving on. I'm moving on.