Eths rutsah

A crackling makes the temples vibrate.
It imperializes perception.
Alone, in the footsteps of my shadow on the path I go...
Life comes and goes, this mass in action panting.
Bestial herd living its moment, enjoying the moment.
I feel it, divine it in my dark awakening.
Alone, thin, a light ray travels through the room.
It disgusts me, the bells ring.
I am nevertheless like them.
I see these thirteen new hours.
To spend in my sordid seed.
Their sophisticated dream slowly incarcerates .
My charred, divergent mind.
I get up and dress, kiss my wife and my daughter.
My daytime skin serves me a little.
The daily gap open.
Save me.
I see myself chained to my chair again.
They light the fires, the bells continue to ring.
I hear litanies sung.
br/>My feet are reduced to ashes.
My muscles crack, my marrow and my blood hiss.
My flesh is consumed like shrunken leather.
Two dried up and blackened sticks.
/>The bones of my legs hang above the flames.
Which rise, soon lap up my hair.
My head is a ball of molten metal.
My eyes sparkle then melt in their orbits.
If I open my mouth, I drink the fire.
If I close it the fire is inside and yet.
The bells are still ringing.
Save -me!
I am located between the last limits of the human part.
And the frontiers of the higher life.
I do not know the hours.
My latent Lucifer buzzes Þ the shadow of my hearing.
The horny head hums with dark liturgies.
I do not flee, I cannot.
I am neither mad nor wolf.
I I hear his Luciferian revolt.
He reigns.
He has been heading towards the world since the world was world.
I comply with his voice, he names for me the occult meaning of his Emotion.
At the sight of it, I would vomit with fear, its trunk is so wide and cold.
It supplants my layer stealing bible and crucifix.
Towards midnight my mind is fragmented because I must defy God .
I am promised eternal life. I do these things as long as I can.
As long as he calls me.
I do not know the hours.
My Lucifer comes out of the hole, black light.
His bestial voice dictates to me and embraces me.
I split myself in two, we become one.
In this light, you will be mine for centuries of centuries.
The darkness will be the witnesses of our union.
And the thunderbolts of heaven will be our candles.
I possess, I set ablaze our Embraces with extreme unction.
br/>I, the bridegroom of perdition.
My existence devoured by anathema.
Love me on the burning altar of blasphemy.