Eva Dahlgren innan krleken kom

The sun sets in the sea
To rest for a while
And I fall asleep safely
I know that the earth is round
That everything
Like now Is
Tomorrow will
Like the sky and the sea
Always catch the color of each other
That goodness is beauty and the devil
Are black as lava sand
That night gives day
As truth gives lie
That dream is dream and nothing more
With that was before love came
Turned earth and sky
Intoxicated my senses
When love came
The will was diminished and obscured
For r no man can
Swear free
Let it happen by will
Just pray quietly
Like then
Alone as on my knees as in prayer
Let it come to me
But always the same silence in response
That surrounds me
No man is so alone
Like the one looking for another
That's how it was before love came
Come like waves in silence
Stone from stone parted
When the play came
Glistening like the dew-frozen meadow
Like a summer rain
Playing free
No will
Can control it
When the love came
With a voice I knew
But not heard for a long time
And when I turned
Behind me lay g the world as new
No man can
Swear free
Let it happen by will
Just ask
Let the love come