Evelyn Kunnecke oh

Every day there was quarreling and bitter tears
Every moment we were angry with each other.
The fact that the blame lay with me
I don't need to mention
Because you are one tender lamb and I'm nervous!
But it had to happen one day
that you destroyed the kitchen cupboard in anger.
Finally I had you so far!
I almost had' Are you bleeding me
But then I said with emotion:
I can really understand you completely.
I know
You are completely right about everything.
Love some people Friend
I saw him leave me.
My moods have often taken revenge!
I need love like the sun;
I wait every hour
that you kiss me.
Do you then bring Qrchidides
that are so expensive and so beautiful
only then do I know
how good you are!
Leopold< br/>I know
You didn't want that!
You were always gentle with mlr
and I was so bad with you!
Your heart
It's made of pure gold
But I'm leaving and never coming back
Even though I know
You were my best piece!
I'm leaving and coming back never back.
I wish you luck.

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