Ever in Phase faith alive

All eyes on you
hearts expectant
To see you move and reveal your glorious
We seen you do what no man can do
there's no one like you let heaven spilt the sky
We believe that more is yet to come
That you're work in us has just begun we long
for the things unseen for more of the mystery Jesus
We believe that more is yet to come
this is Faith alive
This is faith alive
We hold on to your promises with
confidence knowing that you are faithful to the end
You said if we believe we couldwill throw the mountain into
the sea we believe that you will set your people free Jesus
We believe that more is yet to come that you're work in us has
just begun we long for the things
unseen for more of the mystery Jesus
we believe that more is yet to come this is Faith alive
This is faith alive
We believe you are here and your moving
We believe you are here your spirit is life in this place
We believe you are here and you're moving
We believe you are here your power Cannot Be Tamed
We believe you are here and your moving
We believe you are here your spirit is alive in this place
We believe you're here and you're moving
We believe you are here your power Cannot Be Tamed
We believe that more is yet to come
that you're work in us has just begun
We on for the things unseen for more of the mystery Jesus
We Believe that more is yet to come
This is faith alive
This is faith alive