Excommunicated when death claims its most righteous dead

The Church body had been without a head for so many years
As dementia and infirmity took hold of the Godhead on Earth
Corruption, abuse rampant, blind bleeding the blind
No seer could see the onset of the advancing tide
When giants fall, the Earth will tremble in the quake...
Apostolic Succession, reaching the nadir of its reign
A sign of the end of their time, the end of their line at hand
Gauletier Benedict to purity and alienate his Church
Enemy of justice, protector of pedophiles
When giants fall, the Earth will tremble in the quake
And when the aftershocks have settled, we will all awake
When we remove the mask and see all things as they truly appear
We will never return to a life ruled by others or living n fear
The body of Christ had been without a head since ages past
And the organs had been chopped and diced for Eucharist at mass
As settlements reach record high, leaders shunned accountability
And the architects hid behind the Doctrine of Papal infallibility
When giants fall, the Earth will tremble in the quake
And when the aftershocks have settled, we will all awake
As we become more old and wise the truth becomes ever clearer
Belief in only one true God, he who resides behind the mirror
Let me introduce you two: There is much to discuss