Exit 13 anthropocentric ecocidal conundrum

Exit 13
Dont Spare The Green Love
Anthropocentric Ecocidal Conundrum
Animals destroyed by the life of man.
Greed and anthropocentrism have gotten out of hand!
What kind of persuasion will change man's course???
Technology progress makes things worse!
We're looking at nature to see what profits can be turned,
Irrefutable proof of man's destruction but we have not learned!
The planet is contaminated by the way humanity lives!
Think...extinction will be the culmination and it won't forgive!u003d0BIt u003d
is too late for saving efforts, or should we wallow in our own u003d
techno - grime?
So many people satisfied with our culture of negation,
The government acts with hate to silence those voicing their u003d
It would be blatantly naive to expect a new society overnight, but u003d
don't take this as a que to sit back,
Every force is needed in this fight for life!!!
Toxic pollutants, chemical waste, precipitation that's acid based,
Industrial sludge and radiation, man - made environmental u003d
Cancer clusters, cancres seethe, polluted air not fit to breathe,
Two faced scheming administration, spotted owls killed by u003d