Faberyayo X Tony feat. Willem lekker niet

I love what I do, do not set a goal, see true time brings me
go and actually almost purely on my gut feelings, see true time brings me
And if it is not good then comes it anyway not
and if it is not good then the tasty yet not
Sometimes I wake up not dare my bed to come out
head under the blanket, chained to my dreams
solid Cling, trepidation for that lovely
While the sun is shining on the trees
where the fuck I was again doing
which money do I later my baby
With what money I am the father of my babies
make me more worried as hairs on my skull, I think is rapping on my own, for a moment
forget what I I effe little here
because let's face it, the shelf life of an artist is pretty crazy
and I can not really know what else
University I destijd versquandered
Everything just went bit different
then it was out the window and road planners
I love what I do, do not set a goal, see true time brings me
go and actually almost purely on my gut feelings, see true time brings me
And if it is not good then comes it anyway not
and if it is not good then the tasty yet not
Then I get text messages that we almost go leave
Towards mensjes provide quality time
I went there again leveling up with my jaw
back into my role and pleased with my mouth
whined in waggie, bad talk, all
Doubts about tomorrow, lose everything
Looking Away from what is almost the case
Straight ahead, let all districts
Jitters for a show tough assuage
Nobody backstage, who that? Later
Usually I'm sober, not to do with a hangover
to say just how well eh me
Mic in hand, shaky at the stage
Do not get it twisted, uncertain still
I eats the whole internship at ever
Fabergétje, I got it still
I love what I do, do not set a goal, see true time brings me
go and actually almost purely on my gut feelings, see true time brings me
And if it is not good then comes it anyway not
and if it is not good then the tasty yet not
Hide attention, waus Love
Peukie in my mouth shut, quickly smoothing beer
behalf?? So my wife send a message
I love you, I come quickly in the direction
Back in the car, bag full of liquor
Plenty takkie in the backseat
Discussions how and what can still harder
Light years away from the city of Amsterdam
Zap transverse by the middle of the night
back to the truth, full on the gas
butts and vodka, a Stollie ashes
Right out of the bottle, I am filled in my sas
pissing at a gas station, volatile
Head up, the thinker brings the smell
Look at the stars and I quietly wish once
all that remains so and I'm happy again
I love what I do, do not set a goal, see true time brings me
go and actually almost purely on my gut feelings, see true time brings me
And if it is not good then comes it anyway not
and if it is not good then the tasty yet not