Falkor & Company the acronym

He holds fast to this time
As she smiles, alive
No second chance
No wayward glance
As she shines so bright across this room
He closes his eyes not a moment too soon
Whenever you have this love
I'll hold you so close
Love you more
Love you more and more and more
Young love's always so trite and condescendent
Or can it really pour
Underneath those logical doors
Go now, he understands
Overwhelming love will always let him mend
Try to keep this all balanced
Out of his heart all his love he'll send
Hey, hey, hey
Oh, my dear, what happened here
My, oh my
Eyes have seen everything so clear
Call my name
On our way home we'll be
My, oh my
Instincts have told you to flee, 'cause
No one's going to stop our hearts
Giving every beat they can impart
While I'd like to take my time
I know you're impatient, you sigh
Though I'd like to say
Here that's quite okay
My intentions are probably quite clear
Even if not, soon I swear you'll hear
Pretend you don't have this love
Really, really tough
Ever love you more
Ever love you more and more and more
Tell everyone about it
Tell everyone, just shout it
You know you can, just grab my hand
Press on
Let God decide
Either you can swim at or with the tide
Ask to
See these clocks rewind
Ever and forever your heart is mine
Hey, hey, hey
Oh, my dear, what happened here
My, oh my
Eyes have seen everything so clear
Call my name
On our way home we'll be
My, oh my
My, oh my
My, oh my
My, oh, my love you'll be