Falsettos 2016 Broadway Company falsettoland about time

Women with children
Short insomniacs
And a teeny tiny band
Come, back in
The welcome mat is on the floor
Let's, begin
This story needs an ending
A homosexual
Father with children
One bar mitzvah that
Is scrupulously planned
Lovers come and lovers go
Lovers fight and sing fortissimo
Give these handsome boys a hand
Welcome to Falsettoland
Nancy Reagan
Meanest and thinnest of the first Ladies
Moves into the White House
It's the '80s
Ooh, the '80s
What a world we live
March, march, march of the Falsettos
March of the Falsettos
What a world we live in
Who is man enough to march in
March of the Falsettos
Spiky lesbians
Women internists
Shiksa caterer
Who is trying to expand
Everybody on your mark
Congregate in Central Park
Pretty boys are in demand
Welcome to Falsettoland
What a world we live in!
What a world we live in!
It's about time, don't ya think?
It's about time to grow up, don't ya think?
It's about time to grow up and face the music
It's about time
Since we last spoke
Two years are waning
I'll try explaining
Just what you've missed
We called a truce
And fitfully we coexist
I'm still loose
She's still with the psychiatrist
So I don't have a psychiatrist
Except on the Jewish holidays
But I still have my son on the weekends
Just on the weekends
And some very good friends
But I don't have a lover anymore
Oh my God
When am I gonna get over this?
When am I gonna get over this?
When am I gonna get over this?
Women with children
Ex-ex lovers
And a teeny tiny band
Welcome to Falsettoland
Shiksa caterers
Short insomniacs
Yiddish Americans
Spiky families
Nervous wrecks!
Welcome to Falsettoland
It's about time, don't ya think
It's about time to grow up, don't ya think
It's about time to grow up and face the music
It's about time
One day I'd like to be
As mature as my son, who Is twelve and a half
And this tall!
That's all I'd like to be
That's all!
It's about growing up, getting older, living on a lover's shoulder
Learning love is not a crime
It's about time
It's about time
It's about time
It's about—