Fauve vieux freres

Old brother
Old brother wake up
We have to go now
We have to get back on the road
That's it 'time to go back into words and images
In noises and drums
Cries and objects
Everything you already know, old brother
Old brother, we're going to pick up things where we left off
We're going to pick up the scattered ideas
Those that have been sleeping for months while we were coal
And then those waiting downstairs
After that, we'll go get the other old brothers
Old brother, it's time to explain what happened
All this story to give it meaning
And so as not to forget
So go ahead old brother throw out a beat
What ideas spring forth and words flow
I'm afraid too, you know
I'm afraid of not finding the right words
I'm afraid of doing it wrong
To sound false when everything is true old brother
To not succeed in expressing myself properly
But we will have to take the plunge
Fortunately, fortunately I have you with me
You and all the other old brothers
I have you with me to freeze the visions
To catch the whirlwind with my bare hands
To tell, to tell how for a time
We got out of the shit old brothers
How we got through the routine and the night
How we attacked the blizzard punches
And opened cracks
How we progressed together without expecting it
Between old brothers
Old brothers it must be said that things like It can happen
And deep down it's a dice, it's a dice
What a story that it happens to us, us and the other old brothers
While we screw up almost everything
What a story, we have to continue all this somewhere
Like this when it stops
What we'll go back to the woods
We can always remember that it really existed, old brother
That it really existed, that it's possible...