Favorite pure ver8ung

[1. Part]
Fav is back, bitches
Give me the beat, yeah, I'm going to speed
There's sharp shooting, jet black socks
Heavily drunk, I've barely slept for weeks
But somehow just so absent in the room
Hate preaching rapper
I've been going astray ever since
Go off, bitch!
I really like taking drugs
Von from someone who was believed to be lost to the heart's greatest
From the death-raving jihadist, Yeah bro
Hunt the goddamn (BOOM) like it's fashion
You might think I'm a prankster
But it's not like that, seriously
That Pierre Vogel raised me
I'm being stalked by some duchess
It's funny on TV
But it doesn't matter, I do Let me get involved with her
Because she has more money than most people
Open up Tyson
Hey, my pig is whistling here right now
You definitely don't want to be my enemy< br/>From the drive-by a nose
All of Al-Qaeda can blow me
And I'll show no mercy when the war starts
I'm a shitty German
Hey yo, fuck you, she doesn't really fit into the picture
Too much whiskey, too much fungus and a crack in the spleen
Nobody can help the water, he wants Westprophet
Now he wants to go back and shoot sex tapes with little bitches
Eyo, bitch, you're fat, go on a pep diet
Afterwards I'll pick you up in the Escalade, it is Fav, Fav
Pure contempt - Bitch, shut up
[1. Bridge]
I didn't like going to school, like the rest of you
Six in German, I didn't go, I missed a shit
And that The teacher really wanted a certificate
[2. Part]
Damn, the whole damn school was contaminated with asbestos
And all the model students that I warned back then
Haven't been alive for years anyway
They died of cancer, Lung failure, no
You see me throwing money
Secretly I got the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013
I'm actually a warrior, as the world knows
The world knows just what they tell Al Gore
You don't really want to know what's going on in the world
You'd commit suicide
In America you're a tourist and I'm will be welcomed as a guest of honor
Thank you, Mister Obama, I really enjoy being in your country
But I can't settle down here, even if you would like to
I'll stay in Europe, bro , and will rap
[2. Bridge/Outro]
In the primary school class photo with a Hansa Pils
In my hand, even back then I didn't quite fit into the picture
Camouflage, war paint, armored shield
Under the sweater, At that time I was already trained to fight
My wandering spleen was running amok inside me
Me too, I thought to myself at the time, sick film
I was drunk at the one I was in before br/>Just like now, I'll blow you away, album number four - Yeah