Faye W. Wilson found in you

There are many things I can do on my own
But this race is not to the swift but to the strong
It's not about my ability, but letting you lay hold of me
I count it all but loss that I may know you, I just wanna know you.
In the center of your will is where I want to be
I'm striving, seeking, pursuing the mastery-oh
It's not as though I'd already attained, I'm pressing on in Jesus name
Just for the precious prize of knowing you
I just wanna know you.
Cause I wanna be found in you, not going my own way
For in going my own way, means taking my eyes off you my Lord
It's not about my ability, but letting you lay hold of me
I count it all but loss, that I may know you
I just wanna know you.
I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do
Forgetting the things behind me, I'm reaching for what's before me
Pressing towards the prize, that high call of God in Christ.
Cause I wanna be found in you, not going my own way
For in going my own way oh, means taking my eyes off you my Lord
It's not about my ability no, but letting you lay hold of me
I count it all but loss, that I may know you
I just wanna know you.
I'm running towards the finish, that heavenly reward
Rejoicing that I'm found in Christ my Lord, in Christ my Lord
(Repeat chorus twice)