Feral the deathbog

Straying through the night so dark you cannot see
Lost in the waste and the sky never stops to bleed
Soaked in rain, your will starts to fade
The landscape opens and bids you come its way
Reeking of death, it's leading you astray
Submitting to its will, you start to wade
Sinking down into the bog so black
Smothered screams as it sinks above your head
Age old witchcraft and alluring cries
Merged together, sealed your demise
Black bog water filling up your lungs
Another victim taken from the world above
Reeking of death, it's leading you astray
Submitting to its will, you start to wade
Rapidly drowning in the water down below
Ancient demons reach for your soul
Pitch black grave sealed above your corpse
The water lies still and hungers for more
It hungers for more…
Sinking down into the bog so black
Smothered screams as it sinks above your head