Fernando Delgadillo bienvenida

It's really, you're here
it's been a long time waiting
and the anxiety of knowing that you were going to come
has put me in a state between crying and laughing
don't pay attention, how are you doing?
come, let me hug you and then you will tell me
there is always time. Lie
happiness goes in so many ways
and you left, and seeing you again floods me
with gratitude, with luck, with happiness
life one day touches the door,
it sends us a knock,
like leaves that the wind separates and
after some time it puts them together
it finds them again
there is no room for grudges, The thing is like this
the only thing I want to see
is that you are with me again.
One doesn't know what to say, the occasion
requires a celebration of emotions
about talking and listening, what can I tell you?
Yes, I don't know where to start
I can hug you, you're already here
it's your welcome and I I am so happy.