Fernando Delgadillo de la vieja guardia

Fernando Delgadillo
From the Old Guard
I am the old guard
although I did not live its glories
I started listening to the radio
when I already History had been made.
When pop bands
received ovations
of which still echoes
in old recordings.
And I was moved by love.
on a serene night
in my longed-for hiding place
that one day was the drive-in.
I know a thousand stories
about the street and its rumors
of banker's lawsuits
with well-deserved honors.
And I watched some older people
grow up under their legend
in gang fights
with knives and chains
And after that bravery
it became a crime
more than one known brave man
savored the consequences
what the law of fists does
and smoke the mint.
To jump the fence
to jump this fence
and that armed robbery
Which was never worth it
Sometimes I think that my environment
was what made me observant
I learned from the mistakes of others
and I was not better either.
I am always in need
a dream in to survive
as if I were the boy
who doesn't stop laughing.
When I flew to the avenue
going down on my bicycle
as if on the corner never
A surprise was waiting for me.
It was always a matter of luck
and today I don't know how the life of those who understand
telling stories that happen ends.
/>Today I don't fly on my handlebars
today my guitar lifts me up
and makes me use both hands
I don't do anything else with them
except hold on to this guitar
like the brilliance to its star
like the soldier to the rifle
and on nights like today
like a drunk to his bottle.
I am from the old guard
/>from the protest song
from pop concerts
with an old guitar.