Fetocide shedding liquid flesh

Shedding Liquid Flesh
Putrid pungent reek
Opening abdominal flesh
Bathing in guttural warmth
Enjoy the pungent stench
Ref: Shedding
Upon The Torso
Flesh to bone
Turns On my Instinct
My Sexual
Blood Bath Agitation Necrophile
Putrid Putrefaction Delight
Guttural Warmth I like to come within
Purulent liquid on skin
Agitation Necrophile
Putrid Putrefaction Delight
Guttural Warmth I like to come within
Purulent liquid on my horny skin
Agitation Necrophile
Putrid Putrefaction Delight
Guttural Warmth I like to come within
Purulent liquid on my horny skin