Fidel Rueda ni con guachos

With nothing, with nothing they will make me forget you Let me let you
do whatever they want to do
but I will be very firm and at the foot of the canyon
Not even with guachos
they will be able to separate me from you because I love you
let a commando come and pick me up bring the president
I won't leave you
I won't leave you
I won't let you go
Not even with guachos
they will manage to separate me from you because I love you
let him come to get up a command
I will say as they say out there:
"I won't leave you even with bullets"
Not even with cranes will they be able to get me away from you so that I leave you
not even if they bring me the president
I won't leave you
I won't leave you
nooo I'll leave you (8)?