Fornicators retaliation

Take that gun of yours and put in to your head
No need for you ta walk this earth again
The few friends that you had you stabbed in the back
Load the gun, pull the trigger, fade to black
The hammer hits the primer and the bullet leaves its case
The bullet leaves the barrel and ends up inyour head.
The shot rang out and anounced to the world, Another politician's dead, a thousend left to burn
Take what you can and give nothing back
That was your motto when you were alive
Take what you can and give nothing back
That was your motto when you were alive
You're 6 feet under in a rich mans grave
Your casket's taking fluids but its not from the rain
Theres a gathering every evening for the people that you screwed
Locked in, frozen out and drenched with piss
Ever get the feeling you get what you give?
But it's to late, there is no way
For you to undo the things you done and said.