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A cold spring awakens the trees
Under a wide, clear sky
In the abandoned coffee cups
Green mold thrives serenely
Your flowers have turned to dust
I forgot to water them< br/>There are no wild horses running here anymore
A doctor came to shoot them
(to shoot them)
I don't hear your music anymore
And now someone is lying next to me
and the photos that showed you with me
someone tore them up for me
the spirits that I called are still here
clammy earth is now your pillow
where yours friends, it is deserted
They are scattered all over the world
I don't write you any more letters
They returned to the station
(back to the station)
I hear yours music no more
and someone is lying next to me now
and the photos that showed you with me
someone tore them up for me
the ghosts that I called are still here
cold earth is now your pillow
and the photos that showed you with me
someone tore them up for me
the spirits that I called are still here
cold earth is now yours pillow
the photos that showed you with me
someone tore them up for me
the spirits that I called are still here
clammy earth is now your pillow
the photos who showed you with me
someone tore them apart for me
the spirits that I called are still here
clammy cold earth is now your pillow