Franco Battiato magic shop

There are those who start with an evening raga
And end up singing the Paloma
And days of fasting and silence
To do the choirs in masses like Amanda Lear
Do you want to see that the Golden Age
Was just the shadow of Wall Street?
The Scythe no longer makes you think of wheat
Wheat instead makes you think of money
And the more we grow, the more new professions
The pop artists, the posters on the walls
The Mantras and the Hare Hares worth a thousand lire
RenÃ's Esotericism © Guénon
A lady sells astral bodies
The Buddhas go on the bedside tables
I deduce from a phrase of the Gospel
That a house painter is better than Le Corbusier
All the art of museums is eternal
The Pyramids of Egypt are cute
The Tibetan Lamas are a little naive
The journalists are lucid and brilliant
Supermarkets with departments
Sacri that sell
Dior's incense
Open columns on the Pope's hair