Frank Zappa intro intros live at the boston music hall1972

[...] afternoon.
In the process of examining the stage to make sure that it was fit for human consumption, these large objects over here on the side with the horns on top of 'em—you know those speakers there?—they fell over backwards and completely mangled Jay Migliori's woodwind instruments.
So Mr. Migliori is at a certain disadvantage this evening.
We just thought we'd let you know.
Fortunately, Mr. Migliori was not sitting there when the cabinets went down, so that part's okay.
Well, now that we got that over with, I'd like to introduce the rest of the lads in the band—and the ladies in the band—to all of you here.
Let's start up in the top, with trumpet number one, Malcolm McNab.
And the indispensible Salvator Marquez.
And on pygmy trumpet and tuba, Tom Malone.
And Bruce Fowler on trombone.
And Glenn hands up, face to the wall Ferris on trombone.
And Kenny always jovial Shroyer on trombone.
And Ruth also jovial Underwood on marimba.
That's a jovial little marimba.
And Tom with one smashed hand Raney on congas.
And, over here in the wind section, you already know Jay.
Play something, Jay.
That one works.
And Mike Altschul.
Ray The Phantom Reed.
Charles up and down Owens.
Joann Caldwell McNab.
Earle Dumler.
Wait, wait. Try that one again.
Can you hear him?
That's a little bit better, yeah.
Just a minute now.
Jerry Kessler on cello.
Ian Underwood on keyboards, et cetera.
Jim Gordon on drums.
Dave Parlato on bass.
And Tony Duran on slide guitar.