Frans Bauer bedankt

It is a long journey to being a parent
And when you grow up, you like being small again
You often quickly think back to all those wonderful childhood years
Even if you have still the most beautiful photo book, but that memory is often lost
Yet there is one thing you never forget: the love you received from your parents
Thank you for bringing my cradle to you has stood
Thank you for life and for my existence
Thank you for the love you gave me
And for all your worries, thank you for being alive
And for all your worry, thank you for being alive
As a child you think there is always something, I am tired of my parents nagging
And do you have to go to bed early another evening or does your mother ask you to make coffee? />Then it may not be easy, even though you know better, you still say no
Then the day comes, then you grow up and you know that you enjoyed that time