Funeral Circle the charnel god

There is only one god in Zul-Bha-Sair...
From ages lost to man's memory,
Dwelling in shadows, a sepulchral mystery...
Dream-like and vast, narcotic decay,
Now come the muffled priests to take her away...
The maw of his temple yawns eternally,
No stirring of life's to be found in the gloom.
A city of nightmare and necromancy,
Deathly and sacred, a temple of doom.
Masks of silver, in the likeness of skulls,
Blasphemous rites in ghoul-ridden halls...
Funeral figures, unholy hidden mages,
Dismal shadows gathered through the ages...
In this mausoleum of eternal night,
Sorcerous basement where men fear to tread,
Colossal black pillar consuming all light:
Mordiggian, the Charnel God, eater of the dead!