Funeral Winds anzu

From the water of Engur born from mountain rocks
From the regions of death Thou who plotted opposition in
His heart
I call upon the dark one that took away the Enlil-Power
Stole the tablet of destinies At thy utterance the gods
Anzu Sjanumma! Anzu Musjtabarru Mutanu!
I call upon Anzu who became Master of the Rites
Reverse the words of creation Destroy the Mutanu!
I call upon the Dark One Reverse the Acts of Ninurta
Anzu Natalu Nakru Ninurta! Anzu Sjanumma!
Anzu Musjtabarru Mutanu! Anzu Sjanumma!
Anzu Natalu Nakru Ninurta! Anzu Sjanumma!
Anzu Musjtabarru Mutanu! Anzu Sjanumma!
Anzu may thy power rise again from the cold waters of
Reverse the words of creation bring death to the world
Anzu may thy powers rise again Shine with radiation!
Curse the Igigi and bring death to the Gods