Gabriel O Pensador bala perdida

Good morning, woman
Kiss me, hug me, pass me the coffee
And wish me good luck
May it be what God wants
Because I'm going to work scared of death
At these times I wish I had an armored car
So I could leave the house with my head Raised
And not be found by a stray bullet
Baby, I know you love me
But now don't complain, I have to go
No o forget to put the children under the bed at bedtime
Stay away from the window and don't open that door, no matter the reason
Please, my love, I don't want to find you dead if I come home alive
But if I don't come back, there's no need to cry
Because getting a stray bullet is normal nowadays
Well more common than natural death
It doesn't even make the front page anymore
Bye! If I'm late, you don't have to wait for me for dinner
And you can start praying
For a change we're at war
For a change...
Who's in the rain It's supposed to get wet
Whoever plays with fire can get burned
But I don't want to be another one in the statistics
I don't want my body to become a tourist attraction
Bloody , victim of a crime without culprit, sent for a ballistics exam
Every day two or three die
I just want to know when it will be my turn
Where will it be?
No circus, on the beach, in the supermarket, at the bar table?
Or in line at the bank?
On the central train?
At the bus stop?
Stopped at the traffic light ?
Or watching TV, in the safety of home?
Where will a stray bullet find me?
If I could choose, I would die in my sleep without feeling much pain
I I know I'm still too young to die, but the other day this wish almost came true:
A rifle bullet got lost in a shootout and ended up in the middle of my pillow
It just didn't hit me squarely because I was constipated, in the bathroom
Nowadays I lie down waiting for the worst
And to make things easier I already sleep in a jacket
My coffin is also Ready behind the door, wrapped in the Brazilian flag
And when I dream about the future I wake up insecure
Hearing another rifle shot
For a change we are at war
For a change...
I'm a stray bullet, a miserable bullet
Harmless, like an abandoned child
I'm being wronged
No I'm guilty
If I'm here it's because I was shot
I didn't want to get into the gun but the finger was stronger
The finger put me in the gun, pulled the trigger, so why am I held responsible for the death?
I would like to be a honey bullet
Made with love, wrapped in paper
But you made me to end life
br/>Since I was born I've been a stray bullet
I've always been lost, by nature
Even in a suicide or in self-defense
Most people haven't even realized it yet:
You They are so much more lost than I am.
For a change we are at war
For a change...