Gary Hurlstone dignity

One life come on-come on-come on
Make the best of it
One love come on take the rest of it
One life one heart one love
But dignity is
All that's left that we have
You can take my coat,
And take my hat
Take it all
Where’s your head at
Here take the money
You have it all
But learn to walk because you've learned to crawl
So take my head and heart
But there’s one thing you can never get
My dignity-my dignity
One life come on-come on-come on
Make the best of it
It’s three in the morning
I’m all strung out
This time you left in no doubt
But I got your letters
I read them all
Learn to walk
Before you learn to fall-fall-fall
One Love – One Life -One Heart-Take my advice
Keep your Dignity
Clapping Rap:
*Three six nine the goose drank wine
The monkey chewed tobacco
On a street called Line
The line broke - the monkey got choked
They all went to heaven in a little row boat*
Clap hands, it's what you think I'm here for