Gatto Panceri pensa te

Who said there is no fog in summer?
I trample on the frost and something of myself
walking on the edge of a hole
staggering but I didn't drink
do I believe or no longer believe in anything?
It's the frequently asked question
What do I do to myself
Think about how I am
Think about yourself, if you can
All that that I had came to me
where I got to is already a lot because
I sweated it out everywhere
that's not the problem anyway
if you then think you're someone
someone with no one
next to him
Think for yourself, how I am
think for yourself, if you can
NO…, NO...
Hurt someone for I'm wrong
being able to do good and not doing it
I've made many mistakes
and in the meantime the world goes on
without me
Think of you
I How am I? Think about it.